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When in doubt, don't throw it out

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We are beECO, a Young Enterprise company that believes in sustainable living and protecting the environment. We want to help people be sustainable by not using single use plastic water bottles, as plastic does not biodegrade, damaging the planet, and is often harmful or even fatal to several species of animal. Our product is designed to promote an alternative to plastic and also to raise awareness for species that are hurt by plastic to contribute to their conservation - so our planet and the animals who deserve to live on it can continue to exist. Together we believe we can truly make a difference for the environment – all you need is to be green and to beECO.

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The Polar bear

Polar Bears are endangered due to sea ice loss as a result of human activity. Polar bears rely on sea ice for hunting their seal prey—and for travelling, breeding, and sometimes denning. It is estimated that by 2050 two-thirds of the worlds population of polar bears will have been killed off by the rising challenges of global warming and pollution. Leaving only between 6600 and 8250 polar bears inhabiting the world. This number is also predicted to continue to fall in the following decades. The countries of Canada, Untied States (Alaska), Denmark (Greenland), Norway and Russia have signed a international agreement on the conservation of polar bears which bans many forms of polar bear hunting. By purchasing and using our beECO water bottle, you have already helped out. Your actions have meant that you will not be using so many plastic bottles. Therefore, less plastic is being thrown out and there is less plastic in the environment for endangered species.


The Giant Panda

The giant panda is known as the icon of conservation. 10 years ago giant pandas were the most critically endangered animal in the wild, but now thanks to 10 years of conservation work giant panda numbers are finally starting to recover, but they are still in a vulnerable state. Human activities continue to be the biggest threat to their survival, plastic is dumped into forests all over the world especially in china where the majority of the worlds giant panda population are located. This plastic brings chemicals with it that soak into the soil and destroy habitats and giant pandas source of food.  These animals are so important because they keep their mountain forest environment healthy and as they keep the Yangtze and yellow rivers thriving whose river basins are the economic heart of China, home to over half a billion people. By purchasing and using our beECO water bottle, you have already helped out. Your actions have meant that you will not be using so many plastic bottles. Therefore, less plastic is being thrown out and there is less plastic in the environment for endangered species such as the tiger.


The Siberian Tiger

Tigers have been an endangered species since 1969, due to human actions such as poaching, destruction of habitats and climate change. Tigers need to be saved as they have an important role in our ecosystem, as they are the top carnivore and they control all the other levels of the food chain, keeping a balanced environment. If human actions continued the way they do, the food chain will be destroyed leading to a drastic hindrance on human health.
Plastic covers every environment and is affecting tigers living in many ways. Tigers love to swim and due to plastic polluting waters, it makes it very hard for the tigers to get along with their normal life without some human waste getting in the way; and sometimes suffocating them. By purchasing and using our beECO water bottle, you have already helped out. Your actions have meant that you will not be using so many plastic bottles. Therefore, less plastic is being thrown out and there is less plastic in the environment for endangered species.

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Their Stories

On the Edge of Extinction, Giraffes

Recently according to the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), Giraffes are at risk of extinction with some subspecies now listed as ‘critically endangered’ such as Kordofan and Nubian Giraffes. Giraffe numbers plummeted by a staggering 40% in the last three decades, and less than 100,000 remain today. Habitat loss through expanding agriculture, human-wildlife conflict, civil unrest, and poaching for their meat, pelts, and tails, are among the reasons for the decline. Help support organisations such as WWF to protect these animals.




Save the Forest, Chimpanzees

Chimpanzees are in critical danger, as they have disappeared from 4 African countries and are nearing extinction in others. This is due to many factors such as loss of habitat because of deforestation, commercial hunting and disease for example Ebola. Help and support organisations so they can stop the illegal killing of Chimpanzees, create protected/ conserved areas and developing chimpanzee-focused ecotourism.




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Polar Bear on Rocks


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